Selling Policies and Code of Conduct

All Vendors are expected to adhere to the following policies when listing products on YuHu Creates. Vendor offences and prohibited content can result in suspension of your YuHu Creates account.

Misuse of the YuHu Creates selling website

As a community, all vendors are able to access and use the YuHu Creates selling website. If a vendor uploads excessive amounts of data repeatedly, or otherwise uses the website in an excessive or unreasonable way, it can create a disproportional load on the website and impair the ability of other vendors to easily access and use the website.

Vendor code of conduct

YuHu Creates enables you to reach hundreds of thousands of customers. We strive to ensure a fair and trustworthy buyer and seller experience. At YuHu Creates, we expect you to adhere to the code of conduct principles that are outlined below. 

Vendor Code of Conduct Principles:

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and abide by all YuHu Creates policies.
  • Maintain current account information.
  • Never misrepresent yourself.
  • Always act in a manner that ensures a trustworthy experience for YuHu Creates customers.
  • Never list products that might cause harm to YuHu Creates customers.
  • Never engage in any misleading, inappropriate or offensive behaviour. This applies to all your activities, including but not limited to:
    • Information provided on your account
    • Information provided in listings, content or images
    • Communication between you and YuHu Creates, or you and our customers
  • Act fairly at all times. Unfair behaviour includes, but is not limited to the following:
    • Behaviour that could be deemed as manipulation or “gaming” of any part of the buying or selling experience
    • Actions that could be perceived as manipulating customer reviews, including by directly or indirectly contributing false, misleading or inauthentic content
    • Activities that could be perceived as attempting to manipulate YuHu Creates’s search results or sales rankings
    • Actions that intentionally damage another seller, their listings or their ratings
  • Only maintain one Vendor account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. Examples of a legitimate business justification include:
    • You own multiple brands and maintain separate businesses for each
    • You manufacture products for two distinct and separate companies
    • You are recruited for a YuHu Creates programme that requires separate accounts

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